Enter the current assessed value of your home to estimate the yearly tax impact of the combined Hamilton-Wenham Elementary School building project. We haven’t confirmed the exact year of the debt with the towns—it may start in 2028 or 2029. The debt is recalculated each year based on the assessment percentage split. This calculation is based on 4.5% interest rate and the FY25 assessed values of houses in Hamilton and Wenham.
Building Renderings

Hamilton-Wenham Regional School District Building Project
On April 5th we have an important opportunity for the voters of Hamilton and Wenham to make a decision about a historic proposed project for the HW Regional School District at Hamilton & Wenham Town Meetings. For several years, the district has been assessing the needs of our elementary schools, considering factors such as aging facilities, enrollment trends, and current educational best practices. You can read details of our facilities assessment HERE.
After thorough research and a collaborative visioning process involving over 40 community members, teachers, staff, and students, it became evident that a consolidated elementary school offers the most sustainable and cost-effective solution. This approach ensures all students have access to modern, high-quality learning environments while optimizing resources efficiently.
I want to ensure all families have the historical context and complete scope and details of the project. Below is background information to address some of the questions we have received recently.